Tuesday, April 23, 2013

7 Months....

Emerie turned 7 months old last Thursday. She is now sitting up by herself and rolling around on the floor to get her toys (not close to crawling yet). She still doesn't have any teeth, but is LOVING food!! She loves all fruits and vegetables except for green beans. She is still a very long skinny baby who is getting hard to find clothes for!

She constantly has her legs up like this, even while sleeping...

My two favorite people and my whole world.


  1. Aww, that last line made me weepy. :) I am so happy they have you, Mal. GREAT photos, btw.

  2. Both of these pictures I LOVE but the one with Emmy and her daddy made me smile! Ty has wanted to be a daddy for SO long and to finally see him in daddy mode melts my heart! So happy for your little family!!
