Monday, February 4, 2013

God Made a Farmer

This commercial that was played during the Super Bowl will stick with me forever. Our farmers do not get enough recognition for their sacrifices and contributions to this world. I thank God that I was raised in rural America in a family that can relate to this commercial. My passion for the working ranchers and farmers as well as my upbringing is what made me pursue a degree in Agriculture. I will instill these same values in Emerie and my other children as they grow. Not only is the message powerful for the hardworking farmers but also for our glorious God who we all need to remember to thank daily. God's name is not mentioned enough in our society which saddens my heart, thank you Dodge for reminding America what is important.

1 comment:

  1. Well said, Mal. The commercial will stick with me, too. I remember Paul Harvey being on the radio ALL the time as a kid. Such a great tribute to our country families. :)
